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Lawn Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems for Small Backyard Design

Susanna Newhart


Keep your backyard well-attended while sticking to your budget with Edmonton irrigation companies

Do you have a small backyard you’d like to spruce up? Irrigation systems are part of any functional landscape design, whether we’re talking about commercial properties or a cozy backyard space.

Why is irrigation important for small backyard design?

A lawn sprinkler or irrigation system should be one of the first things you discuss with your designer. Not only do they safeguard your trees, shrubbery, and grass, but they can save you a great deal of time, money, and water. 

No small backyard design is complete without a plan for irrigation. Always make sure to tackle irrigation sooner rather than later due to the difficulty of installing a new system once your backyard is finished.

What are the benefits of irrigation?

It’s easy to forget that your lawn needs consistent nourishment. If you’ve never considered irrigation, it’s a good idea to review its pros and cons to help you decide whether it’s the right fit for your yard.
There are many advantages to installing an irrigation or sprinkler system in your Edmonton yard:

  • Enjoy hassle-free lawn maintenance. Our irrigation systems are fully automatic, meaning your sprinklers will turn on and off depending on the level of moisture detected in your soil. 
  • Stop wasting water. Water conservation is one of the biggest benefits of irrigation. Our irrigation systems do a better job of watering your yard, minimizing evaporation and delivering specific amounts of water to specific areas. 
  • Increase the value of your home. Regardless of the size of your yard, an irrigation system is an attractive feature that conserves time and effort. If you ever decide to sell your home, having an irrigation and sprinkler system professionally installed is a definite value-add.

Types of Sprinkler and Irrigation Systems Available to Edmonton Homeowners

When you water your lawn with a hose, each area receives a single pass—some areas might not receive any water at all. A well-designed irrigation or sprinkler system delivers water to every part of your yard, making sure that every plant, tree, or shrub receives the care it deserves.

Of course, different yards have different designs. Here are the two most common types of irrigation and sprinkler systems used in Edmonton homes:

1. Drip irrigation systems 

Drip irrigation systems are commonly used in gardens, including decorative and vegetable gardens. Unlike high-pressure sprinkler systems, drip irrigation loses less water to evaporation because water lines are placed on the ground.

Through drip irrigation, plants receive a steady drip (never a flood) of water, which helps protect any delicate blooming plants. Drip irrigation doesn’t water the entire bed, only the plants. An added advantage is that water lines are easy to add, adjust, or remove, and can be shifted to the side when pruning or cleaning your garden bed.

2. Spray and rotor heads 

Spray and rotor heads sit underground and emerge above-ground to water large areas, such as the entirety of your lawn. These types of irrigation and sprinkler systems are programmable, fully automatic, and take advantage of built-in rain sensors to make sure you never waste water.

Maintaining your Edmonton irrigation system

At Newhart Landscaping, we make it easy for you to maintain your lawn care system using an easily downloadable mobile app. Check out Rain Bird by clicking here. Rain Bird lets you control your sprinklers remotely, meaning you can turn them on and off, set up customized schedules, automate weather adjustments, and much more.

Cut down on your water bill with a fully automated irrigation system by Newhart Landscaping. Located in Sherwood Park, ten minutes away from Edmonton, our landscape designers are ready to find the right sprinkler system for your exact lawn care needs. Call us today at 780-993-3757 or request a free landscape consultation here.

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